Our St. Louis home power washing service provides the results you’re looking for. Overlooking the appearance is not only detrimental to your neighborhood but also to the property value. Complete Power Washing services are #1 in the area. We provide the professionalism that most companies in the area don’t. We also provide Our Cleaning Guarantee. If it’s not right we will make it right. Our team takes pride in customer satisfaction.
We know that as a St. Louis home owner, preserving and enhancing the look of your property is important to you. Your homes exterior priority is staying clean by using a house pressure washing professional. We help to maintain the property value and the look of the community. Hiring a professional at Complete Power Washing will provide the care your home is wanting.
House Pressure Washing St. Louis

We use top of the line equipment to perform our power washing services. Our cleaning methods remove mold, mildew, rust and other contaminants that will not damage your home but rather keep your home looking great. Need us to pressure wash your fence and deck?
Keep Your Property in Excellent Condition
Your homes value enriches the community and your pocket book. Cleaning your home provides this enrichment and provides long term wealth for all who’s close by. We provide excellent power washing services. Need to power wash a patio? Our goal is to provide excellent cleaning services for our clients and their communities.
Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
We go out of our way so you’re completely satisfied. We stand behind our work 100%. Our clients have recommended us to neighbors, friends and relatives. If you’re in need of pressure washing insured and licensed professionals, Complete Power Washing is here to serve you. Check out our power washing reviews!
Protecting Your Community & Investment
Complete Power Washing St. Louis provides excellent pressure washing services for your investment. When your property looks perfect the market value will increase. This is why our pressure washing services are done professionally and done right so your investment is worth the money spent. We take pride in cleaning your property for the good of the customer and the community.
We have one mission in mind: 100% Customer Satisfaction and Beautifying your Community!
Power Washing Service Area
We provide excellent exterior cleaning services in St. Louis, St. Charles, and Illinois. Our power washing services are #1 in the area backed with our Customer Satisfaction Guarantee. If you do not see your location below, please call us at (314) 441-0496. Our staff will be happy to help and provide as much assistance as possible.